Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Part 3 of the N·Zone Memorial EP: Your choice is ours!

Hey boys and girls and all of you freaky alien creatures,

The second part of the N·Zone Memorial EP being well under way, but lacking a proper decision for the third part, we have decided that it was up to YOU to decide what should be the track you'd want us jolly tracking madmen to remix or revamp or whatever.

Of course, there are restrictions:
  • The track has to be a previously released N·Zone track
  • It has to be electronic music (trance, dance, aso)
  • It should've been released during the N·Zone New Formation era
After suggestions are made, we'll set up a poll to vote for the most wanted track.

Now click the commentaries' link below and make a suggestion!


EDIT Oct-11nth: Thanks to "someone's" (Meet Dave) carelessness while transfering files from his computer to a USB storage key, the release of Part 2 of the memorial EP might be a bit delayed. Approx. 2 mins of the track have been lost and need to be redone from scratch (so much for backups). We are very sorry, but rest assured that Dave will be punished by having his ass spanked wound with a Roy Orbison CD cover.


Déhà said...

. Female Motion

Bonus : Mercury Moon

Anonymous said...

Crackin! Glad to see you guys back! :D

My wishlist would sound like:
*Our Darkness
*Planet Violet
*Female Motion

Over & Out!

Anonymous said...

BTW! What's this track called which plays on the blog?! I dont have this one! Is it unreleased?

Goor00 said...

Thanks for the suggestions people! ;)

SnooZ you dork! I had sent you a preview of this track! It's Moonlight.. god.. you really should stop sniffing glue, dude :p

Anonymous said...

Hey SnooZ! What's cookin' my friend?

Goor00 said...

Rubicks, aren't you supposed to be working on something? ;p

Anonymous said...

- Trizomik
- Mind Over Matter :)
- Female Motion

Goor00 said...

thanks for the input zus!
Mind over Matter is still unreleased material though.. :/

Anonymous said...

I know, it was part of your forgotten tracks... and we should finish it, one day... :p

Goor00 said...

Sure, why not.. you might need to get your hands on a PC first though ^^"

Anonymous said...

I just want Planet Violet remixed. And Groo, get on MSN this afternoon, will you? I need to send you some shit.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I could have suggested A.K. 101 or OmniTrance but they are not from the New Formation Era :(

Take Now has quite a number of remixes already.

Female Motion 3000 was already an excellent remix so I wouldn't ask for another remix of FM.

Si I think Planet Violet would be a wise choice.

( BTW : why not remixing the N-Zone Main Theme? ;) )

Goor00 said...

Vanish> I can explain the reason why there won't be any further N-Zone Main Theme REMIXES (it's important to note that i'm only talking about remixes of the original theme).

For the first part, it's mostly due to the fact that we believe the original theme's been sucked dry... i mean, it's been mixed and remixed, revamped, "versused".. geez, there isn't much that hasn't been done with it.

The Second and most important reason i guess, is that we just want to turn the page and move on to something new. "Forever" was just some sort of crossing or bridge or whatever to move from what the N-Zone musically did before to what it'll do now.

Now i'm not saying that there won't be something like a "N-Zone Core Theme"-thingie one day. But currently, we've got no real plans for such a project.

Planet Violet seems to be a pretty "popular" choice and yeah.. i wouldn't mind giving a shot at it :p

Anonymous said...

hmmm ok I see :)

thanx for the explaination.

(And... yeah, Planet Violet IS popular ;) )

Goor00 said...

Yup PV's always been pretty popular.. at least it was when it came out. As far as i can remember it had over 1650 (or more? can't remember) downloads alone on the old trax in space portal when i had uploaded it there and it got the song of the day award. Not too shabby imho :)
So yeah, a revamp of PV might be a good idea ;p

Anonymous said...

+1 for Planet Violet :p.

(BTW I really like the N-Zone Main Theme, but I understand why you don't really want to "remix" it)